Life extension, mechanics of

We are probably not going to optimize ourselves out of mortality, but it feels good to try nonetheless

January 11, 2022 — January 10, 2024

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how do science

Quantified self/nutrition etc for lifespan extension. Probably best read in concert with biomarker tracking.

Figure 1

1 What biomarkers are cheap to track to assess the effectiveness of aging interventions?

2 Collagen

Not sure if this is life extension per se, but it is about youthful behaviour and kinda interesting. Why does collagen supplementation seem to help with collagen production? It all gets digested, right?

3 Alternatives


4 Incoming

5 References

Campbell, Bellman, Stephenson, et al. 2017. Metformin reduces all-cause mortality and diseases of ageing independent of its effect on diabetes control: A systematic review and meta-analysis.” Ageing Research Reviews.
Czajka, Kania, Genovese, et al. 2018. Daily Oral Supplementation with Collagen Peptides Combined with Vitamins and Other Bioactive Compounds Improves Skin Elasticity and Has a Beneficial Effect on Joint and General Wellbeing.” Nutrition Research.
DePhillipo, Aman, Kennedy, et al. 2018. Efficacy of Vitamin C Supplementation on Collagen Synthesis and Oxidative Stress After Musculoskeletal Injuries: A Systematic Review.” Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine.
Mohammed, Hollenberg, Ding, et al. 2021. A Critical Review of the Evidence That Metformin Is a Putative Anti-Aging Drug That Enhances Healthspan and Extends Lifespan.” Frontiers in Endocrinology.
Shaw, Lee-Barthel, Ross, et al. 2017. Vitamin C–Enriched Gelatin Supplementation Before Intermittent Activity Augments Collagen Synthesis.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Sinclair. 2021. Lifespan: Why We Age - and Why We Don’t Have To.
Younes, Al-Hasan, Eldos, et al. 2017. Assessment of Quality Control Parameters and in Vitro Bioequivalence/Interchangeability of Multisourced Marketed Metformin Hydrochloride Tablets.” Qatar Medical Journal.
Zhu, Yoshida, Tsuboi, et al. 2021. Quality and Authenticity of Metformin Tablets Circulating on Japanese Websites.” Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science.